About FLW

An electronic music producer from Vanderbijlpark South Africa with a one of a kind style.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Poem - Note from Christ

You ask me for a new movie.
To watch it for no reason.
For something cool to look at.
Don't you see?
I gave you seasons.

You want to buy a joystick.
I would've given you joy
and life everlasting.
Still you want a toy.

You lay awake at nigt
thinking how to fight
a battle that I won
at the dawn
of present, past and time.

You're asking Me for an SUV.
But, don't you see?
Next to the tree a bike.
A small car you don't like.
If that was not enough.
Two feet, two arms
to mountain climb and hike.
And all I want is love.

You say that you can't pay
for a delicious meal.
But out the backdoor, to your right,
A fruit dispenser goes to waste.
A long forgotten taste
lies rotten on the ground.

You say you don't know what to wear.
Been shopping round for hours.
Then out the window, over there,
the grass, the field, the flowers.
Once shimmering in the midday rain
now pitch black steam is all remain.
How much more will I clothe you?
You're worth much more than fields of dew.

You sigh and struggle,
day by day.
And you suvive.
You're still alive.
Don't suffocate on bad ideas.
Don't listen to the negative ways.
I made you awesome, migty, strong.
I filled you up with rhyme and song.
As I create, your will must be.
To live in peace and harmony.
In Truth in Spirit.
In Life from Me.

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